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Lexique des symboles chrétiens
ISBN: 2130795188 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris : Presses Universitaires de France,

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Histoire artistique des ordres mendiants : essai sur l'art religieux du XIIIe au XVIIe siècle
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ISBN: 2252040882 9782252040881 Year: 2017 Publisher: Paris: Klincksieck,

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C'est au XIIIe siècle que saint François d'Assise et saint Dominique créent respectivement leur ordre, fondé sur la pauvreté et la simplicité. Mais rapidement le rayonnement des franciscains et dominicains devient tel que leurs couvents reçoivent d'importantes donations des princes et des riches bourgeois. L'enrichissement des Mendiants leur permet de devenir bientôt les commanditaires d'oeuvres d'art majeures, tant en peinture qu'en architecture : Giotto, Sassetta, Fra Angelico sont quelques-uns de ces artistes qui travaillèrent à la gloire de Dieu sous leurs directives, illustrant la vie de Jésus ou celle des saints, tandis que s'élevait la basilique d'Assise et l'église de Santa Croce à Florence. L'historien de l'art Louis Gillet (1876-1943) expose ainsi dans cet ouvrage l'influence déterminante qu'ont exercée les Mendiants dans l'iconographie religieuse depuis leur fondation, en Italie comme dans le reste de l'Europe : passions, douleurs, miséricorde, danses macabres, le vocabulaire s'enrichira au cours des siècles, pour finir en apothéose avec Rembrandt, Rubens ou Murillo. Précis et pédagogue, l'auteur s'exprime toutefois avec une rare empathie qui fait la singularité de cet ouvrage.

El arca santa de la Catedral de Oviedo
ISBN: 9788417158019 Year: 2017 Publisher: Aguilar de Campoo : Fundación Santa María la Real del Patrimonio Histórico,

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Wonder beyond belief : on Christianity
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ISBN: 9781509514847 1509514848 Year: 2017 Publisher: Malden, MA Polity

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What happens when one of Germany's most important writers, himself a Muslim, immerses himself in the world of Christian art? In this book, Navid Kermani is awestruck by a religion full of sacrifice and lamentation, love and wonder, the irrational and unfathomable, the deeply human and the divine Christianity that today's Christians rarely speak of so earnestly, boldly and enthusiastically. With the open-minded curiosity of a non-believer, Navid Kermani engages with Christian art in its great richness and diversity. The result is an enchanting set of reflections which re-invest in Christianity both its spectacular beauty and its terror. Kermani struggles with the cross, falls in love at the sight of Mary, experiences the Orthodox Mass and appreciates the greatness of St Francis. He teaches us to see the questions of our present-day lives in the pictures of old masters such as Botticelli, Caravaggio and Rembrandt not with lectures on art history or theology, but with an intelligent eye for the essential details and the underlying relations to seemingly remote worlds, to literature and to mystical Islam. Kermani s poetic school of seeing draws us in as we are carried along by his unique perspective on Christianity, re-igniting our interest in great art at the same time. We are captivated by his unique and brilliant Islamic reading of the West.

Inkarnat und Signifikanz : das menschliche Abbild in der Tafelmalerei von 200 bis 1250 im Mittelmeerraum
ISBN: 9783981509410 Year: 2017 Publisher: München : Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte,

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Arte e letteratura a Genova fra XIII e XV secolo : temi e intersezioni
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ISBN: 9788897752707 8897752705 Year: 2017 Publisher: Genova: Genova University Press,

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I saggi che compongono il libro – opera di storici dell’arte, filologi, glottologi – hanno indagato la produzione artistica e letteraria a Genova fra XIII e XV secolo, prendendo in esame, in particolare, l’interazione fra testi letterari e immagini. Campi d’indagine sono stati la poesia e la trattatistica, l’agiografia e l’omiletica; e le immagini dipinte, scolpite, miniate, intagliate – o quelle evocate dalla parola, in latino e in volgare. Temi portanti della vita cittadina, come le devozioni civiche (san Giovanni Battista, san Giorgio), la cultura profana dei poeti in lingua d’oc e quella ecclesiastica degli Ordini mendicanti, l’influenza delle «gentes» aristocratiche e le inquietudini religiose dei nuovi ceti urbani, sono stati analizzati attraverso le testimonianze di protagonisti come il trovatore Simone Doria, l’Anonimo Genovese, o l’arcivescovo Iacopo da Varazze; e il dialogo con le opere di artisti diversi per cultura e per provenienza: dai frescanti della chiesa inferiore di San Giovanni di Prè al maestro lignario tedesco del Crocifisso della Maddalena; dagli scultori pisani della Tomba del cardinale Luca Fieschi al pittore cimabuesco pistoiese Manfredino d’Alberto; dal modenese Barnaba degli Agocchiari al lombardo Giovanni Gagini, fino a un raffinato interprete dello «stile internazionale» come Nicolò da Voltri. “Cittàmondo” aperta ai più vari orizzonti, gran mercato e “piazza” privilegiata per nuove esperienze artistiche, cenacolo di letteratura cortese e originale laboratorio di lingua volgare, Genova tardomedievale si conferma centro pulsante di snodo fra Europa e Mediterraneo, che tanto riserva ancora da scoprire e da studiare.

Storia del limbo
ISBN: 9788807105159 8807105152 Year: 2017 Publisher: Milano: Feltrinelli,

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Una "questione campana" : la prima arte monumentale cristiana tra Napoli, Nola e Capua (secc. IV-VI)
ISBN: 9788867288533 8867288539 Year: 2017 Publisher: Roma : Viella,

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Imágenes del Arcángel San Miguel en Bizkaia : una propuesta de análisis de la imaginería gótica
ISBN: 9788490825099 8490825092 Year: 2017 Publisher: Bilbao : Universidad del País Vasco,

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Horror vacui : una colección de pintura barroca : catálogo de exposición : Ago 17-Sep 22 de 2017
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9587252144 Year: 2017 Publisher: [Bogotá] : Editorial Utadeo,

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A collection of baroque paintings made for religious spaces such as the Monastery of Saint Ines of Montepulciano. Among these, a colonial painting "Eterno lo que atormenta, momentáneo lo que deleita" (Eternal what torments, momentary what delights), used in the meditation about death in the novitiate of this same monastery. There are also unpublished works within the category of portraits of dead nuns like the painting La exhumación de sor María Gertrudis Teresa de Santa Ines and the inclusion of several works in the life of Santa Ines, among them, the overdoor (or "supraporte") 18th century series Visión del infierno. Works from the secular world include different Marian, saints and eschatological themes. The catalogue comprises all the works present in the exhibition, all exhibited for the first time to the public.

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